Page no
- Introduction 1
- Ganamulu 3
- Synonyms 4
- Rasapanchakam 7
- Karma 8
- Indications 10
- Usefullpart 12
- Dosage 12
- Chemical composition 13
- Botanical description 14
- Theraptic uses 15
- Visista yogas 17
- Bibilography. 19
As already mentioned there is some confusion regarding the identity of kusta and Puskaramula. But recorded evidences prove that Kusta is definitely known to Indians since vedic period where as puskaramula is not in vedic literature kusta is described in synonyms viz, nadyamara , nadyarisa & nadyaya. Nadya is mentioned in atharraveda , sounakiya paippalada sakha. Acharya P.V.SHARMAJI also considered it as the synonym of kusta. In Vedas kust is claimed to curve several diseases exposes the properties like rasayana,vrsya,and krmighna. It is specifically mentioned as Tamanasaka.
The other name of kusta is visvabheshaja. It is indicated for vatavyadhi , yakma , netraoga ,siriroga etc.. . paippatada treatise consider it as sulahara and visaghana.
It is claimed to possess aroma and important among all the herbs. It is also used for dhupa. According to kesava paddhati it is useful for vasikarna aswell.
Charaka mentioned it as the best among upanaha and abhyanga drug. However it is utility in dhumapana is prohibited along jatumamsi.
Kusta is considered as the substitute for tagara as well as puskaramala.
In a communication made to the agricultural and horticultural as society of India in 1860 by Mr.Cope of amritsar. It is stated that kut was adulterated not only etut ,which is used as a substitute for the genune article, but the other foreign substances were used to that he as certained that unservpalous declares employed some 200seers of kut to flavour 100 seers of trash. The principle substitutes or adultrants seem to be aspecies of ligularia and one of aconitum but many other plants are sold to be used for the purpose.
Chopra R.N Recorded that ,kuta, which is also known as costus in trade has however no connection the botanical genus costus. It is found growing wild only in Jammu&Kashmir ,in the kishenganga valley as the higher elevation of the chenab valley although it may occur sporadically in non-commercial quantita in adjoining tractsin Kashmir elsewhere. The plant has become almost extinct in many places by uncontrolled exploitation. Since the supply of plants growing wild was not sufficient to meet the market requirement , commercial cultivation of kuth was tken up during the 2nd &3rd decades of this centuary in its natural growing area in Kashmir and in himachalpradesh . it has been successfully cultivated in seminatural conditions in Kashmir , garhwall , a regular crop with occasional irrigation in lahul.
Actually the commentators on various ayurvedic texts have complicated the identity of kustha with various descriptions. Chakrapani only appears to identify it properly since the stated it as the root which break easily and appears like mrgasrnga. Adhamallu in one context commented that puskara means kusta. In other context he described it as a aromatic in one context commented that puskara mean skusta in onther context he described it is a aromatic substance which is similar to katphala.
The confusing descriptions are treatable from vrndamadhava’s comments on siddhayoga whre in he described that the stem of puskaraplant is kusta and root is puskaramala. But now it is definitely known that slappa is the original source of kusta which is mostly adult related in India with the following plants:
- Inula royleana
- Aplotaxis auriculata
- Iris germanica
- salivalanata
- arctiumlappa
- Inula racemosa
- costus speciosa etc…..
- Sukra sodhana (charaka samhita)
- Lekhaneya
- Aastapanopaga
- Eladi
- Mustadi
- Vatahara
- Sodhanadi
- Sleshma samsamana
- Ekasaraganam
According to J.L.N.Sastry
1.Vtapala 2.kasamira 3.vapya 4.Gada 5.Agada 6.Ama 7.Amaya
8.kapalam 9.Kouberam 10.Japyam 11.Tvakdosha 12.Divya
13.Durhama 14.Padmaka 15.Paribhavya 16.Pakala 17.Paribhadraka
18.Manusanjanaka 19.Ramam 20.Ruk 21.Ragahva.
1. Kustha
2. Ruja
3. Agada
4. Vyadi
5. Aamaya
6. paribaddhaka
7. Rama
8. Vani vajavyapya
9. Twagdosha
10. Utapala
11. Kutsa
12. Tarava
According to Dhanvantari nighnatu:
- Roga
- Agada
- Vyadhi
- Utapala
- Pakala
- Ruja
- Vapya
- Vaniraja
- Rama
- Kobera
- Paribadraka.
- Kapala
- Pataka
- Twakdosha
- Vapya
- Utapala
- Amaya
- Ruk
- Gada
- Roga
Latin -saussuria tappa
- Hindi -Koot
- Vangala -Kuda
- MArati -Kosta
- Gujarat -Kuta , upalet
- Karnataka -Kosta
- Telugu -changalva kostha
- Arabi -Kuratabeheri
- English -Costu sroot
- Pharasi -Koshnah
10. Bengali -Kud pachak
11. Malyali -kottam seppudday
12. urdu -kust kustam
13. Tamil -kushtam
14. French -costus elegant
15. German -Practige kostwarz
16. Kashmiri -patala padmini
17. Sanskrit -Puskara kusta kashmiraja kastam kustam
Name of The Book |
Katu Madhura |
Laghu Ruksa Tikasana |
5. Kaiyadeva |
According to J.L.N. Sastry:-
According to Gyanendra pandey:-
1. Sukra sodhana
2. Vrsya-garbasayotteja
3. Aartavajanana
4. Stanya janana
5. Durgandhanasana-jantagna
6. Vedanastapana
7. Varnya-kustagna-avasadaka
8. Aakshepa samaka
9. Vatahara
10. Depana-pachana
11. Anutomana
12. Sulaprasamana
13. Rakta sodhana
14. Kaphagna
15. Swasahara
16. Mutrala
17. Jwaragna
18. Rasayana
19. Vishagna
20. Rakshogna.
- Kaphavata hara
- Rakta vikaha hara
- Tridosha hara
- Visha hara
- Kandugna
- Kustarogahara
- Sukrajanana
- vatarakta hara
- kapha hara
- Sukrajanana
- Rasayanana
- Kantijanaka
- Laghu vata kapha nasaka
- Vrsya
- Sukravriddi
- Vatarakta hara
- Visha hara
- visarpa hara
- Kustagna
- Kasagna
- Kaphavatahara
- Kusta
- Hikka
- Kasa
- Svasa
- Parsvasula
- Hrdroga
- Visarpa
- Kandu
- Vatarakta
- Sukra sodhana---klaivya
- Rajoroga
- Mutrakrucha
- Charmavikara
- Jwara
- Dourbalya
- Kasa
- Swasa
- Tamakaswasa
Bahyavadhi:- 1.Jerna vrina
3.Danta sula
4.Sandhi sola
5.Aama vata
6.Charma roga
1.Nervous disorders:- Vatavyadhi , Apasmaram , Akshepavata.
2.Digestive system:- Aginimandyam, Ajernam , Vistamban , Udarasula
3.Vascular system:- Vataraktam , Amavatam.
4.Respiratory system:- Kasa , Parswasula , Korinta daggu , Hikka ,
5.Reproductive system:- Rajorodham , Kastartavam , Stanya sodhana
6.Urinary system:- Mutra krcham.
Usefull part:-
Root: [J.L.N.Sastry , Gyanendra pandey , Nighantu adars].
Churna:- ~500mg-3gr,
Kwadha:- ~50gr-100gr,
(Vastuguna deepika)
Kashya:- 3-6 tula bd
Chemical composition:-
Roots contain odorous principle composed of two liquiod resins in alkaloid , a solid resin salt or valeric acid an astringent principle and ash which contain manganese. The oil of root was found to have the following approximate composition.
Camphene—0.04% , phellandrene—0.4% , terpene alcohol—0.2% , a-costene—6% , b-costene-6% , aplotaxene alchol-20% , costol-7% , dihydrocostus lactone-15% , costus lactone-15% , costic acid-14%.
Active principles of root:-
a) An essential oil of strong aromatic penetrating an d fragrant odour 1.5%.
b) A glucoside.
c) An alkaloid saussurine 0.005%
Alkoloid saussuruine in leaves 0.025% , resin-6% , tarces of a bitter substances , small quantities of tawins , inulin about 18% , a fixed oil , potassium nitrate , sugar etc.
But the leaves do not contain volatile oil.
Botanical description:-
Stem:- erect, 1.2-2ml hight.
Leaves:- membranous , irregularly touthed. Basal one very large , 0.6-1.2m long , triangular with a long lobately winged stalk stem leaves smaller.
Flowers:- Heads , stalkless , hard , rounded , 2.5-3.8cm,diameter.2.5 forming axillary and terminal clusters corolla 2cm long tubular, dark blue purple or almost black. Stamens free anther tails fringed.
Fruit:- Achene upto 8mm , 10mg. compressed curved.
According to J.L.N.Sastry,
Kasmir and alpine Himalayan ranges at 8000-
According to gyanendra pandey:-
Apparently plant is endemic-kashmir valley at altitudes of 2500-300ml in jammu and Kashmir state. It is majorly cultivated in Kashmir & also in neighbournig Himalayan region e.g Himachal Pradesh for its root in drug trade as kusth root. Plant is also undertaken for small scale cultivation in hilly regions of uttarpradesh.
Plant generally groes in open hill sloper of cool and humind climate of sub-alpine Himalayas. It is found and cultivated at altitudes of 2500-3800mt in the Himalayan region. It is also distributed in Pakistan and china also.
Unamada apasmara:- old ghee processed brahmi swarasa, vaca , kustha, & sankhapusphi is use ful.
2.Sirah sula:- paste of kusta & erandamula are grinded & kanjika & applied externally.
3.Medhya rasayana:- Kusta , vaca , brahmi and suvarna bharma & administrated after mixing , honey and ghee to the children.
4.Gulma:- svarjika , kusta , ash of ketaki – boiled in oil and consumed cures vatagulma or powder of svarjika and kusta consumed in comfortable warm water cures it.
5.Kusta;-Kusta seeds or karanja and edajaga (should be made to paste by adding water which) cures kusta.
6.Fistula & piles:- The application of paste of saptama pilu , kusta , tenderleaves of sumanas are immediately cures obstinate skin diseases including leprosy leucoderma or recent origin keloids ring worm fistula-in-ana ,piles cervical and enitis.
7.urticaria:- powder of kusta , haridra , daruharidra etc..(equal quantity) should apply this over the body smeared oil by this pimples ,urticaria , obstinate skin disease are relived.
8.ring worm:- Powder of kusta , musta , lodra etc.. when dusted over the body smeared oil , relives ring worm , prurites, keloids, popular eruption and pamphigus.
9.Vatarogas:- Kusta , satahva , vaca , powder of yava and oil when soured are said to be usefull in vata.
10. Headache:- Nata , utpala , candana and kusta these drugs mixed up , ghee constitute an unguentum useful for head ache.
11.Cold sensation:- Kusta , saileya , ela , nata , tuak , rasna,-ointment of these drugs instant ously alleviates could sensation.
12.Unmada:- Swarasa of brahmi kushmandu, shankini, taken, powder of kustha in honey relieves all varieties of unmada.
13.Jwara:-Qwatha of devadaru vacha , kusta, pippali, jiraka, karkata,-
decoction of these reduced to one eight part if administered to woman who has delivered relives shumla , kasa , jwara , swasa, murcha, kampa, and shirorti.
14.Trsna:- Amalaka , kamala, kusta, laja, vatarohaka, are powdered ,rolled into pills & honey and kept in the mouth relives severe trsna and mukhashoda.
15. Snake-poisoning:- Tagara and kusta80g mixed with ghee and honey 160gm and its mixture is useful in snake poisoning.
(Gyanendra pandey)
16.Epilepsy:- In mental diseases old ghee processed with bramhi juice,sankhapuspi, is used alleviated insanity in auspiciousness epilepsy and signful condition.
(Gyanendra pandey)
17.Head-boils:- In arunsika or head-boils,the roots of kustha are roasted on an earthen pan powdered and mixed oil, and its external application is considered useful to destroy itching , discharge , burning sensation and pain.
1.Kalyana ghitam
2.Narayana churna
3.kanaka rista
5.Agadadandha hasti
6.Mehagandha hasti
7.Tejohyadi churna
8.Bala tailam
9.Amruta Tailam
10.Mulakadi tailam
11.Amrutadi tailam
12.Lakshadika tailam
13.Bhyadi gritam
14.Gandha tailam
15.Haridradi Ksharam
16.varunadi grutum
17.Rodra savam
18.Devadarvadi Ksharam
19.Hingvadi ksharam
20.Visaladi churnam
21.Nimbadi gritam
24.Ajeya gritam
27.Bhagnasadhaka Gandhatailam
28.Varunatadi gritam
29.Mahatiktakka gritam
30.Tiktaka gritam
- The essential oil of kush roots has strong antiseptic and disinfectant properties especially against strep and straphy
- It has marked carminative properties it inhibates peristaltic movements of the gutund produces relaxation. Injection of the essential oil produces vasodilation in the splanchini careas prosorbed from the GIT partly excreated by lungs producing an expectoranction partly by the kindness producing a diuretic action.
- Delactonized oil and some lactone fractions of the oil exhibit Hypotensive , spasmolytic and bronchodilatory effects.
(Chopra-1958 , Dutta-1960).
- The effect of different fractions were studued very minimum dose i.e 1mg & 1mg om frog’s heart there was no appreable response to the heart rate. Contractility & tone upto the dose of 2mg. the dose was gradually increasing to 5mg & 100mg and better response was onserved which showed decerase of heart rate contractility and tone these observations suggest that the drug has got veinography , geography and chorography. While comparing , the effect standard drugs it was found that the drug has got direct depressant drugs. It was found that the drug has got direct depress. That action as the action was not blocked but atrophine & also suggest that it was not action through muscranic receptor.
- Anthelmintic activity of slappa was established by kokati in 1986.
- In a study on the pharmacological and therapeutic evaluation of slappa it was found to be effective in cardiovascular deiseases.
(Diuuved etal-1987)
- Its power enhanced the aortic prostaglandin like-activity in
- Effect of its root on GIT motility was tested by its ability to
enhance charcoas meal transport in nice. The 25mg/kg of
acetone extract on roal admistration significantly enhanced GIT
motility Dehydrocostus was purified from the acetone extract as
dharani .k
3rd bams